×ÔÒùϵÁÐ grounds on a beautiful sunny day

After the initial sense of community togetherness in Victoria's first lockdown, the second half of this year has seen a much greater fracturing of social cohesion, with a corresponding increase in fault-finding and blame-shifting. In this webinar, we will draw on the experience and wisdom of three experts, who will help us unpack some of the questions that this social fracturing raises, including:

  • racial and ethnic marginalisation
  • who we most value in society
  • who has been left behind by COVID response strategies
  • what the approach of churches and other faith communities should be.

Our panellists include:

  • Revd Professor Gary Bouma AM (UNESCO Chair of Intercultural and Interreligious Relations at Monash University)
  • Dr Shireen Morris (Senior Lecturer in Law, Macquarie University, and Academic Fellow of ×ÔÒùϵÁÐ)
  • Ms Debra Saffrey-Collins (Head of Chaplaincy and Diocesan Partnerships, Brotherhood of St. Laurence)

Moderated by Mark Lindsay.


Date: Wednesday 21 October 2020


Venue: Online Zoom conference â€“ the Zoom link will be sent to participants the week of the webinar

Cost: Free

Book: Register

RSVP: Tuesday 20 October 2020

Enquiries: theologyevents@trinity.unimelb.edu.au | 03 9348 7127